This screen is only available, when switching Cost Centers on in Account. Using this page, you are able to get an overview of the Cost Centers in use, and whether you want to reassign their class (only applies to P&L). This will overwrite the Mapping of the underlying GLAs to the report structure, meaning you can move these Cost Centers to other classes. This is done for example to reassign Payroll accounts of specific teams to their respective Operational Expenses class (eg. Tech personnel costs to Tech).

Reassigning Cost Centers

By default, the Cost Centers on the left hand side will be configured as “Maintain mapping”; meaning their underlying GLAs will determine to which classes they will be mapped. You are now free to select one or multiple Cost Centers on your left -like in Mapping- and assigning them to a class on the right, using the “Save mapping” button top right.

Reset the assignment by selecting accounts on your left and choosing “Maintain mapping” on your right before using the “Save mapping” button top right.

<aside> 💡 Tip: use the tabs “Reassigned” or “Maintain mapping” top center to navigate through Cost Centers if you have many.
