On this page you can configure multiple dashboards for different audiences, that can hold charts and other elements. Configure them completely to your liking.

Create a new chart

On your dashboard, find the “Add chart” button below. On the right hand side, configure your chart: set a Title, Type (Line, Bar, Stacked), Horizontal axis. For Vertical axis, you can select to set a custom Axis or Stack Bar charts. Below in Series 1, select a Title and select the metric(s) you would like to display. In the second dropdown you will find all classes from the P&L, Balance sheet, Cash flow statement and KPIs listed below each other. You can set the chart to be Per period, Cumulative or YTD in the third dropdown. The forth dropdown is to configure an Actual or a Forecast scenario*.* The final dropdown can offset the numbers up to two years. You have the option to Invert numbers and to apply IC Eliminations and Adjustments. Add a new series by pressing the plus “+” button below. ******Make sure to press the “Save” button when you are done. Be aware which Entities are selected (filter top left). You will be sent back to the dashboard and you can reposition and resize the chart to your liking. Mind that sometimes the new chart can land on top of another. In that case, just move it to the side. You can always go back to the dashboard by the “Back to dashboard” button, yet know changes will not be persisted.

Create a new tile

Similarly, find the “Add tile” button below. Here you can configure three types of tiles: the Big number, a Title and Text.

Big number

Use a Big number to display a single stat. On the right hand side, configure your tile: set a Title, select the Mapping you want to display, the Period (Last month, Current month, YTD). It is possible to display change using Delta. Choose either between VS scenario or T - 1 period. Make sure to press the “Save” button when you are done.


Use Title tile to create a heading. Press the “Save” button when you are done.


Use Text tile to create a paragraph. Press the “Save” button when you are done.

Editing or deleting an existing chart or tile

To make changes to an existing chart press the arrow in the top right corner. You will first be sent to the Chart details overview where you can start discussions on datapoints. Find the “Edit chart” button top right. You will be sent to the same configuration page as in creation. Don’t forget to press “Save” after making changes. Here you can also find the garbage bin icon to delete a chart.

For tiles, this works similarly, however without the details page. Find the gear icon top right and make changes to the configuration. Don’t forget to press “Save”. Deletion also happens through the garbage bin icon.

Creating a new dashboard

To create a new dashboard, find the Configure button top right. In the next screen, press “Add Dashboard” and populate the title.

Configuring access rights for your dashboard

First, again press the Configure button top right. Add team members to the Owners dropdown to make them editors of the dashboard. In similar fashion, under Viewers, select the team members that can see the dashboard, however can not make changes.

Deleting a dashboard

First, press Configure top right. Use the garbage bin icon to delete a dashboard.