On this page you can see an overview of all transactions and configure adjustment entries and intercompany eliminations. You are able to drill-down and analyse and check previous configurations.


On this tab you will find an overview that lists all transactions. You are able to narrow down results by using the calendar and multi-select filters on top. In addition, you can use the Search bar on top to lookup transactions by their description.

When selecting a transaction, the corresponding Entry will be displayed in the side panel on your right hand side. You are able to start a discussion here, similar to the entry side panel in the Reporting environment.

Find transactions created in IC elimination by selecting the Entities prefixed with [IC]. The same goes for Adjustments, using Entities prefixed with [Adj]


On this tab you can configure new adjustment entries. You will find an overview of entities on the lefthand side. When you select an entity, a side panel will be opened to create a new adjustment.

First set the correct date using the calendar next to “Entry date”. Next, populate the entry, row by row, by selecting Accounts, entering a Entry Description, their Relations (optional) and their values. Make sure the debit side equals the credit side. Press Save to store the entry.

Review existing adjustments

Browse to the “Transactions” tab to see all transactions, including adjustments. Note that the system will create Entities denoted with the prefix “[Adj]” to hold adjustment entries. Use the Entities dropdown to select these.

On the left hand side, find the Adjustment transactions by period. Select an row to see the entry details in the side panel on the right hand side. You are able to adjust the entry using the “Edit”-button. To delete the entry, first press the “Edit”-button and afterwards the “Delete”-button.

In Reporting, you will find a switch (top right) to turn Adjustments on and off. Also in the tab By company you will find the Adjustments in a separate column.


On this tab you can configure intercompany eliminations. Finstack offers three types of eliminations:

(1) Eliminate fully

This will fully eliminate the GLA and it’s underlying transactions.

(2) Eliminate IC relations

This will eliminate the transactions within the GLA that belong to relations that have been indicated as being intercompany.

(3) Eliminate per transaction

This will eliminate only the transactions that are manually selected by the user.

On your left-hand side you will find the chart of accounts. When selecting a GLA, the side-panel on the right will display the underlying transactions. Use the calendar to narrow down to a specific timeframe.