On this page you can assign the chart of accounts to the structure of the P&L, Balance sheet and Cash flow statement. We call this ‘mapping’. The goal is to make sure all accounts are mapped to achieve a ‘zero balance sheet’ (which adds up to zero).

Mapping: assigning GLAs to the reporting structure

After we have configured the reports in Setup > Structure, we are ready to assign the chart of accounts to the right classes (categories). This is done by first selecting the type of report top left and subsequently selecting one or multiple accounts on your left hand side. Selected accounts will be highlighted in blue. Deselect an account by using the “X” button that appears on mouse hover. On your right hand side, select the correct class in the structure and press the “Save mapping” button top right to store this configuration.

Note: it is only possible to map to main classes without children, or to subclasses (not derived classes, such as formulas). Some classes, such as “Result”, “Retained earnings” and “Current year earnings” are reserved by the system, so it is not possible to include these in mapping.

<aside> 💡 Tip: Use the “Unmapped” tab on top to navigate to the accounts that are not mapped yet. Use the “Search” function on top center to quickly find specific accounts. The indicator top right will show how many accounts are not mapped and the size of your current selection.


<aside> 💡 Tip: Note that new unmapped accounts can occur when new GLAs are added to your accounting software. We will show when you have unmapped accounts by an orange indicator in the left hand menu.


Exploration: account drill-down

For every account, the values of the current and last month are displayed. Click either of those cells to drill-down to the underlying entries. In this next screen, you are able to see the entries, including details in a side panel, when you select on of them. Use the search bar and calendar to narrow down your results. Go back using the “< Mapping” button.